Friday, July 13, 2007

Perfect Sunday

I have been going on and on about the beautiful places I have visited in Wisconsin - the green pastures, bountiful woods and blue skies but it was on Sunday while mowing the grass I noticed the beauty right here at home......

I don't know what if it was the grain farm across the street, the cornfield with blue sky as the perfect backdrop but everything just seemed right. At least for now, this is were we are supposed to be.....yes, we have contemplated moving to various places over the past year Bexley, Chicago and Granville but for now this is home and there is quite a bit to enjoy. Don't fret my Chicago buddies if that perfect opportunity arises we'll be there in a flash.

This is the Jackson Farm, a working grain farm directly across the street. This year is corn, last year soybeans, corn the previous year so you get the rotation. The Jackson's are great people, we don't know them all that well but our interactions have been gracious. Mrs. Jackson is a cancer survivor and they are strong advocates and fund raisers for the Relay for Life cancer campaign. They have an annual pig roast where all proceeds go to the charity. This year they also had an ice cream social but unfortunately we were out of town.

Here are a few snapshots from around the property.....everything is growing and the gardens are starting to take shape.

Sunday ended with a quick trip to Heather and Leonard's on our way home from Kim's parents house. I dropped off some Spotted Cows for Leonard and we got a sneak peak at the nursery. Wow, a couple months and little Alexander will be here...I can't believe it. And oh I so wish I had a picture of Leonard and Heather on the porch when we were leaving, it was very comical; however, I think Heather would kill me if a posted it.


dogfaeriex5 said...

we do live in a beautiful place dont we....and love for our friends to visit anytime...

ps..julie is well known for her bonfires...

Laura said...

I can't wait to visit sometime! It looks like you are really out in the country which I would love!!! I could laugh loudly and hysterically and not be reported to the police.